Our Meetings

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🌞 Morning Meetings

Seeking Emotional Integrity (Monday)
7:00 AM Eastern | 4:00 AM Pacific | 12:00 Noon EU/UK

We use the Identity Papers to explore Emotional Sobriety. The Papers are used in their original form and include the foundational language and focus. It’s a “back to basics” meeting that grounds members in ACA methods of recovery.

Express Check-In (Tuesday)
7:00 AM Eastern | 4:00 AM Pacific | 12:00 Noon EU/UK

This is a check-in meeting that encourages members to use the Feelings Wheel. It’s also OK to just bring up what’s going on or what needs attention right now. It’s a “start the day” meeting.

Atlas of the Heart Read-along (Wednesday)
7:00 AM Eastern | 4:00 AM Pacific | 12:00 Noon EU/UK

This meeting use outside sources to support ACA recovery. The current book is Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart. The book is read chronologically and offers a lot of topics that relates to ACA behaviors. It’s an opportunity to take a moment and reflect deeper on those difficult feelings. Also to hear other’s stories and reactions.

Coffee with the Stoics (Friday)
7:00 AM Eastern | 4:00 AM Pacific | 12:00 Noon EU/UK

Weekly discussions on ideas from Stoic philosophy. We read passages from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, as well as selections from Seneca, Cato, Epictetus, and others.

Traditions & Concepts (Saturday)
7:30 AM Eastern | 4:30 AM Pacific | 12:30 PM EU/UK

The Saturday meeting is a rotating topic meeting:

Week One (1) Maintaining Secularity with Traditionally Non-Secular Literature – We begin with a reading from Beyond Belief, and follow with sharing and reflection.

Week Two (2) Tradition of the Month – We begin by reading the Tradition that corresponds to the current month (Tradition One in January, Tradition Two in February, etc.), followed by shares and/or reflection.

Week Three (3) Reflecting on the Concepts and Traditions – This is not necessarily a topic meeting, but rather a gathering for those who wish to reflect on the role of the Concepts and Traditions in their recovery. We begin this meeting with a five-minute mindfulness practice, followed by shares.

Week Four (4) Concept of the Month – We begin by reading the Concept that corresponds to the current month (see traditions description above) followed by shares and/or reflection.

Week Five (5) Chairperson’s Choice *– This is an open meeting where the Chairperson chooses a topic as it relates to secular recovery and the Traditions and Concepts.

* Note: Not all months have five (5) weeks.

🌙 Evening Meetings

Topics Meeting – Traditions, Laundry Lists, Bill of Rights etc. (Sunday)
6:00 PM Eastern | 3:00 PM Pacific | 11:00 PM EU/UK

The Sunday meeting is a topic meeting that rotates through the same four topics each month as follows*:

The Tradition/Concept of the Month – The chairperson gets to choose whether they want to present the Tradition and/or Concept of the Month. The number of the Tradition or Concept corresponds with the number of the month. Ex. October = Tradition/Concept 10.

The Schematic Essential Recovery Tasks – There are six essential recovery tasks. We move through them in order, discussing a different task each month.

The Laundry List – There are 14 Laundry List Traits and we cycle through them in order, discussing a different trait each month. The Chairperson has a choice of the traits from that number for any of the laundry lists. Ex. If the topic is Laundry List Trait 8, the chair person can choose any or all of the eight traits from any of the laundry lists.

[ON HIATUS] Workplace Laundry List (Tuesday)
9:00 PM Eastern | 6:00 PM Pacific | 2:00 AM EU/UK

To gain awareness in this meeting, we study secular recovery in the workplace. We read the Workplace Laundry List (BRB pg. 417), draw from outside sources supporting workplace recovery, and we share our experience, strength, and hope with others in the room. We slowly come out of denial as we unearth our authentic selves.

European Meeting (Wednesday)
2:00 PM Eastern | 11:00 AM Pacific | 7:00 PM EU/UK

The Wednesday European meeting (7 pm CET) is conveniently scheduled for Europe-based ACAs working regular office hours. We are currently a step study meeting, reading and discussing The Alternative 12 Steps: A Secular Guide to Recovery by Martha Cleveland and Arlys G.

Beginner’s Meeting (Wednesdays, 1st & 3rd of the month)
6:00 PM Eastern | 3:00 PM Pacific | 11:00 PM EU/UK

The Wednesday Tenderfoot Trail Beginner’s Meeting is open and welcoming to beginners of all kinds. You are welcome whether you are attending your first meeting or you have been in recovery for several years. The chairperson is invited to speak on their experience, strength and hope as an ACA. This meeting is part informational, in that you get to see what a meeting can look like. Sharing time during this meeting is also a time for newcomers to ask questions. There is additional time after the meeting in the parking lot for questions and fellowship.

Step Study Meeting (Thursday)
6:00 PM Eastern | 3:00 PM Pacific | 11:00 PM EU/UK

The Thursday meeting is a step study meeting. We do not work the steps together in this meeting. Rather, we cycle through the 12 Steps in order. We look at 5 different versions of the 12 steps, from the original translation to those that are more secular friendly. We share these five different versions to look at the steps from multiple perspectives. You will be surprised how one version or one step can land differently from one meeting to the next.

What to Expect at a Meeting

Meetings share the following general structure:

If there is not a business meeting scheduled for the meeting, a “parking lot” gathering then follows for social time and general discussion (no shares).

đź’ˇ Do you have a meeting idea?

We’d love to hear it! Join our Discord and get involved with the community first to learn the ropes and our meeting structure. We recommend members who wish to start meetings to prepare to provide service for at least 1 year to support the meeting. Meetings are subject to approval by the Agnostic ACA Intergroup.